- About the Accelerometer Setup
A description of the instrument, what inspired it, who built it and what uses it
might have.
- Acceleration Chart Introduction
An annotated example of a typical plot of data from the instrument, showing shell
acceleration over 4 strokes, and velocity of shell, rower and Centre of Mass.
- Fixed-Head Erg Good for Rowing/Sculling?
No! Except as a fitness/conditioning tool. A comparison of forces an
athlete experiences on a fixed-head ergometer versus
in a single, which shows that the body of an erger experiences much greater and sometimes opposite forces
from the rower at the same parts of the stroke, and that the expression "get the weight over" is a very bad thing to say.
- How the Centre of Mass Moves
An analysis of how the CoM of the boat/rower speeds up and slows down as
the rower draws the shell in and drives it away each stroke.
- Rowperfect vs Sculling
A simple comparison of the forces a shell experiences versus the floating head
of a Rowperfect, which shows that the Rowperfect seems to emulate sculling pretty well.
- Fixed-Head Ergometers - Unmeasured Sliding Work
Is the effort required to "do the recovery" on an erg significant? And if so, can it be optimized? (yes, and yes)
- Hwts beat Lwts? 8s beat 4s? Why? Jan 14 updated Nov 17
There are four simple relationships/equations that broadly describe rowing that when combined, answer
these two (actually they're the same) questions. The resulting estimator is useful, and includes "tables of equivalence", including for a 3x!
- Ergo as a Predictor of Boatspeed
The first GB team trials each year feature a 2k erg test and a 5k sculling-boat time trial.
This article analyses the results data from 2010, 2007 and 2006 and tries to answer the question: "Do ergs float?".
- Scullers Head Start Order
Analysis of the starting order for the 3 most recent Vesta Scullers Heads of River suggests
a revamp of the category starting order, to reduce wholesale overtaking during the race.
- How to Pace for Different Distances
A method, which will likely apply to any endurance sport, for deciding what pace to
expect for distances you haven't done yet based on what you have already done at different distances. Illustrations are
drawn from ergo scores and running.
How To Row
- Bendy Oars => Bad Rigging Feb 12
(in "howtorow" section) The flexibility of our oars and sculls seriously compromises our careful efforts to align
arcs and rigs.
- The Recovery - Quantitative Nov 09
It is possible to manage or optimise the run of the boat, but it's probably only for expert crews
and can look very like boat-check.
- The Recovery - Qualitative Sep 09
"Sliding Together" is an extremely important part of what makes a crew, and if done badly,
virtually guarantees a crew won't go fast no matter how much power there is.
- The Catch Jun 09 EXPANDED UPDATED Feb 11
An analysis of the catch and what's actually going on. It's complicated and there are two serious penalties
for getting it wrong: loss of lift, and loss of compressed position.
- Feet Out Aug 09
... is the very best exercise to improve a crew, but it needs to be done for extended periods
of time and at the start of every possible outing.
- Checking the Boat Aug 09
...is not nearly as cardinal a sin as is commonly assumed. In fact, in a 1x it's
harmless. But it is often a symptom of a crew with poor technique.
- Looming Aug 09
... or rowing/sculling with the blades buried deep, far from being a sin is actually the exact
opposite: it's necessary.
- Training or Technique? Aug 09
They're both "necessary but not sufficient". Judging by the the number of slow "ergo boats",
improvement via better technique is seemingly more difficult to impart to a crew than getting more training in.
- Summer Training Program Aug 09
A highly effective and progressive regatta preparation program, plus an equally effective start-of-outing
routine (training + technique!).
- Cleaning the Chain Aug 14
People get religious about how to keep the drivetrain clean. Here's my gospel.
- The Puncture Fairy Nov 13
We all get punctures, and hate them. A quick exposé on how and why they happen, and how to dramatically reduce their frequency.
- Cycling Intro Oct 12
My fascination with cycling as well as rowing, and applying the same quantitative thinking.
- Richmond Park on a Bike Jan 13
Richmond Park, 10.7km of roadies' heaven, its hills and my process of mapping its gradients every few ten metres.
- Rich Park Prediction Tables Jan 13
- How the Simulation Works Jun 13
Common responses to simulated times are: "how on earth...?" and simple disbelief. Here I describe how it gets done.
- Physics of Riding a Bike Feb 13
Brief outline of the physics involved, and how they are used in a technical description of how the simulated ride-times etc are
estimated, and why one can have confidence in them.